Bitcoin music charts at #1 for this team!

Bitcoin is a force for empowerment and over the years several notable musicians have participated in the network and made songs about Bitcoin.  Imagine a Bitcoin-themed, infused or linked album charting globally at #1, music unites and is thought of as a universal language. What if everyone was bumping that tune? I suppose for many this is now closer to reality than ever, but when this team started it was far from even where we are now.

Dash and Jim, the OG team behind the world’s first curated Bitcoin NFT marketplace, This Is Number One, are true pioneers and innovators in both the Bitcoin and NFT space. Since launching on the Stacks network in 2021, they’ve achieved major milestones like selling the first ever commercial Stacks NFT and
securing partnerships with big-name artists, ultimately onboarding them to Bitcoin. We had the opportunity to speak with both Jim and Dash, to learn more about their groundbreaking work with Bitcoin and Bitcoin L2 Stacks.

This Is Number One has been blazing trails in the Bitcoin space even before first launching its curated marketplace on Stacks in 2021. From importing the UK’s first public, two-way Bitcoin ATM, and scoring collaborations with renowned artists to achieving industry firsts like selling the inaugural commercial Stacks NFT, this pioneering team has their sights set on pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with Bitcoin art. Their upcoming projects include an ambitious NFT album launch and continued innovation on new protocols like Bitcoin Ordinal Inscriptions.



2140Art: Thanks for joining us today! Let’s start by having you introduce This Is Number One and give us an overview of your pioneering Bitcoin NFT marketplace.

TIN: We are a pioneering platform in the NFT space, specifically leveraging the Stacks blockchain, which combines the security and robustness of Bitcoin with the flexibility of smart contracts.

Our journey began with a vision to merge the worlds of art and blockchain in a way that was both innovative and authentic. We saw an opportunity to use Bitcoin, not just as a currency, but as a foundation for creating and trading digital art. This vision led us to launch the first-ever NFT project on Stacks, a move that set us apart in the ever-evolving NFT landscape.

We began This Is Number One as a marketplace but over time we evolved into curators and collaborators. We work closely with both established and emerging artists, helping them navigate the world of blockchain and NFTs. Our goal is to create a platform that’s not just about buying and selling digital assets, but about building a community that appreciates the artistry and innovation behind each piece.

Our collections, like the Genesis Collection or Narcotix and artists like Chemical X, Pinky and DYLE showcase a diversity of artworks and blockchain innovation. We’ve had the privilege of collaborating with incredible talents like Fatboy Slim, Orbital, and Cara Delevingne. These partnerships underscore our commitment to bringing unique, thought-provoking, and high-quality art to our community.

In essence, This Is Number One is about more than NFTs. It’s a celebration of art, innovation, and the endless possibilities of blockchain technology. We’re here to make a mark in the digital art world, staying true to our core values of authenticity, creativity, and community.

2140Art: You’ve also been at the forefront of creating Stacks NFTs and Bitcoin Ordinal Inscriptions. Can you explain what these are and their significance?

TIN: When we first began working with the Stacks network, we didn’t have any experience with NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) on other networks, so it was a completely new field for us. Our initial attraction to
Blockstack, now known as Stacks, was its community’s determination to anchor a network directly to the Bitcoin blockchain. At that time, this was the closest approach to storing data on the Bitcoin blockchain itself. It involved transacting on a Layer 2 network, where all transactions were bundled every 10 minutes into a single finalising transaction. This final transaction was then confirmed in a Bitcoin transaction, securing it with the Bitcoin network’s level of security.

This direction aligned well with our belief in Bitcoin, though we were unsure if it would be the final stop in our technological journey. However, at that moment, it felt like the right path. So, we began writing Clarity smart contracts to build the first Stacks NFTs. These contracts functioned similarly to traditional NFT contracts on Ethereum, recording token distribution and ownership on the blockchain. However, the actual data linked to these NFT tokens was stored on IPFS, an off-chain semi-permanent data storage solution.

A significant change occurred in February 2023 with the advent of Ordinals. For the first time, the on-chain and off-chain elements of NFTs could be combined into a single on-chain element. This element contained both the receipt of ownership and the data referred to by that ownership receipt. This innovation led to a new breed of highly secure NFTs that live on the Bitcoin blockchain and contain all their own data that will be mined by every Bitcoin miner in perpetuity.

Now, our focus has shifted to exploring ways to hybridise this new definition of an NFT. The goal is to find more efficient methods to store data with the same permanence as Bitcoin, without overburdening the miners with the task of mining all the data. This involves looking into alternative solutions that can complement the existing system.

2140Art: Amazing! Out of interest, what made you choose Stacks as a Bitcoin Layer amongst other L2 technologies being built for Bitcoin?

TIN: Choosing Stacks as the Bitcoin Layer for our NFT marketplace was a decision rooted in our deep commitment to Bitcoin and its robust security. Stacks offers a unique smart contract layer that leverages the security of Bitcoin, which aligns perfectly with our philosophy and our history as long-term Bitcoin enthusiasts.

A key factor in our decision was the Proof of Transfer (PoX) consensus mechanism used by Stacks. This mechanism is an innovative twist on traditional blockchain consensus models. Instead of using a proof-of-work system like Bitcoin or a proof-of-stake system found in many other blockchains, PoX uses Bitcoin itself to secure the Stacks network. In PoX, miners transfer Bitcoin to network participants, known as Stackers, rather than burning or staking their own resources. This means that Stackers earn rewards directly in Bitcoin, not in some other layer 2 tokens, which was a crucial aspect for us.

Our journey with Bitcoin began in 2014 when we imported the UK’s first two-way crypto ATM. Given our longstanding relationship with Bitcoin, using a layer that builds directly on its security and rewards in Bitcoin itself felt like a natural and logical progression. With Stacks, we’re not just building on a highly secure blockchain; we’re also contributing to the Bitcoin ecosystem, which has always been a significant part of our mission.

Furthermore, Stacks allows us to innovate on top of Bitcoin without altering its foundational layer. This means we can explore smart contracts and advanced applications while still benefiting from the unparalleled security and reputation of Bitcoin. It’s a perfect combination of innovation and trust, enabling us to offer our users a secure, reliable, and forward-thinking platform for NFT trading and creation.

2140Art: You’ve had huge success securing partnerships with major artists like Fatboy Slim and Eurythmics. How do you go about onboarding these big names in music onto Bitcoin and Stacks?

TIN: Securing partnerships with iconic artists like Fatboy Slim and Eurythmics was not just a milestone for us at This Is #1, but a significant leap forward for the entire NFT space on Bitcoin and Stacks. When we approached these globally renowned superstars, we were conscious of the unique proposition we were offering – a chance to be pioneers in a new digital asset realm built on the robust foundation of Bitcoin.

One of the key aspects we communicated to our artists was the long-term vision and potential of Bitcoin and Stacks, beyond the immediate financial gains. While Ethereum-based NFTs were quite popular, we emphasised the lasting impact and recognition they would receive by being early adopters in the Bitcoin NFT space. This wasn’t just about immediate profits; it was about shaping the future of digital assets and being remembered as trailblazers.

For our first collection, we collaborated with six seminal artists, each bringing their unique flair and fanbase. To make this venture more meaningful and aligned with our artists’ values, we included a philanthropic angle. Each artist was given the opportunity to nominate a charity of their choice to receive a portion of the sales proceeds. This not only added a layer of social responsibility to our project but also deepened the artist’s engagement with the initiative.

However, the onboarding process was quite extensive and required meticulous attention. We had to guide both the artists and their chosen charities through the technicalities of setting up Bitcoin and Stacks addresses and educate them on how to use these platforms. This dual onboarding was a significant undertaking, involving not just technical training but also a shift in mindset towards embracing a new digital economy.

This endeavour was a resounding success, not only in terms of the artistic collaboration and financial outcomes but also in demonstrating the practicality and potential of NFTs on the Bitcoin and Stacks platform. By ushering in these music legends into the world of Bitcoin NFTs, we didn’t just create a collection; we set the stage for a new era in digital art and philanthropy.

2140Art: Very interesting! Your upcoming #1 album project has been generating a lot of buzz too. What can you share about this ambitious album launch?

TIN: The #1 Album Project, which has been in development for several months, is a testament to our commitment to innovation in the music industry. The project initially faced a delay due to the advent of ordinals technology, prompting us to rethink our approach to NFTs and data storage. Initially, we were set to use the IPFS system with our original Stacks NFT setup. However, we quickly realised that solutions like IPFS, which rely on account holders, ongoing payments, and data pinning, were potentially unreliable
and even prone to failure in the long term.

This challenge led us to explore alternative solutions, delving beyond traditional data storage methods. We didn’t just focus on clever data compression techniques for on-chain storage; we also looked at linking data through Layer 2 solutions and even beyond, to platforms like Arweave. This exploration was crucial in shaping our project’s direction.

The #1 Album is a unique collaboration involving 11 different artists and bands, each creating a song accompanied by stunning 3D visuals. These visuals are the work of the Australian artist Tyler Triptamine, renowned for his contributions to epic movies like Lord of the Rings and Spider-Man. This collaboration has birthed a hybrid music collection where the visuals themselves carry distinct traits. There are 100 common versions, 10 rare versions, and one unique version of the video for each song.

After months of experimentation with various applications on Bitcoin, Stacks, and Arweave, we are finally ready to package and launch the “This Is #1” compilation album. This project isn’t just an album release; it’s a demonstration of the immense potential that this technological revolution holds for future musicians. We are on the brink of a new era in the music industry, where artists can fully leverage these advanced technologies to showcase their creativity and reach audiences in groundbreaking ways. The #1 Album Project is just the beginning of this exciting journey.

2140Art: Audionals is an exciting new audio protocol created by you, Jim. How did this innovation come about and what’s the vision for Audionals?

TIN: Audionals represent a groundbreaking solution to the longstanding issues of royalties and attribution in the music industry. For decades, the challenge has been to find a system that accurately tracks and compensates musicians for their work. With the advent of ordinals technology and data on the Bitcoin network, we’ve finally opened the door to a future that seemed elusive until now.

The key innovation here lies in the integration of Bitcoin’s robust data linkage capabilities with off-chain, yet equally secure and permanent, data storage solutions. This hybrid approach balances cost-effectiveness with the permanency and security that artists deserve.

Initially, due to Bitcoin’s limited file space and the high costs associated with on-chain data storage, we explored creative solutions akin to modern-day remixing but within a blockchain environment. Imagine a world where a single drum sound from an existing ordinal recording can be extracted and woven into a
new composition, where it stands out, yet remains intrinsically linked to the original piece. This approach doesn’t just remix audio; it remixes data, maintaining a continuous thread of attribution right back to the original source. It’s like a musical DNA, where every beat, sample, plugin, and synthesiser becomes an integral part of a song’s identity.

This concept led to the creation of the Audional Sequencer, a proof of concept that showcases the potential of this technology. But our vision extends beyond this. We’re now developing a system to incorporate tokenised masters into existing contracts between labels, musicians, and publishers. Our goal is to establish a new standard for performing rights organisations globally, using the songs themselves as the record of attribution.

This innovative approach promises a future where fair royalty payments are made without the need for the myriad of middlemen that plague our current, outdated system. With Audionals, we’re not just reshaping the way music is created and remixed; we’re building a new framework for the music industry, ensuring that every artist is fairly compensated for their creativity and hard work.

2140Art: Dash, you are also working on another Bitcoin-based project beneficial to musicians. Is there anything you can share with our readers about this at the current time?

TIN: […]

2140Art: Ha, mystery in true #1 fashion! Readers better keep notifications on then. On a more personal note, what drives your passion for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with Bitcoin and Art?

TIN: At the heart of our journey with This Is #1, what truly drives us is the unyielding belief in the transformative power of art and technology. When we first envisioned the convergence of Bitcoin and art, it wasn’t just about creating a new marketplace or a new form of digital asset; it was about reimagining the very fabric of artistic expression and ownership in the digital age.

Our passion is fuelled by the endless possibilities that Bitcoin and blockchain technology bring to the table. It’s not just about the technological innovation, but the cultural revolution it signifies. For decades, artists have sought ways to protect their work, receive fair compensation, and connect more directly with their audience. Bitcoin and blockchain technology are the keys to unlocking this new realm of possibilities.

Every artist dreams of leaving a lasting legacy, of creating something that resonates deeply with people and stands the test of time. We see Bitcoin not just as a cryptocurrency, but as a foundational layer for a new era of digital artistry. It’s a canvas that’s secure, immutable, and universally accessible. It allows artists to embed their legacy in a medium that transcends geographical and temporal boundaries.

Our pursuit is more than a business; it’s a crusade to empower artists. We’re driven by the stories of musicians struggling with the complexities of royalties, the visual artists fighting for the authenticity of their work, and the new creators looking for a platform to showcase their talents. We see Bitcoin and art as a harmonious symphony that celebrates creativity, rewards artists fairly and writes a new chapter in the history of art.

This journey is our way of contributing to a future where art is liberated from traditional constraints, where every digital brush stroke, every note, and every pixel is not just seen or heard but felt, and preserved in its purest form. In this future, artists from all walks of life can thrive, and their creations can live on, etched in the annals of a decentralised, unchangeable, and universally respected ledger.

So, what drives us? It’s the dream of a world where art and technology dance together in perfect harmony, creating a legacy that resonates across generations and redefines the essence of what it means to be an artist in the digital age. It’s a vision of a future where art is not just created but lived, experienced, and preserved in a way that honours its true value. That is the future we are tirelessly working towards, and that is what fuels our passion every single day.

2140Art: That’s inspirational. As we wrap up, what advice would you give to others looking to innovate with Bitcoin and Stacks?

TIN: As we stand at this exciting crossroads where Bitcoin, Stacks, and innovation converge, the advice I’d share with others embarking on this journey is rooted in the lessons we’ve learned and the vision that drives us at This Is #1.

First and foremost, embrace the power of Bitcoin not just as a currency, but as a groundbreaking platform for innovation. It’s a robust foundation upon which you can build not only financial systems but also creative expressions and solutions that can transform industries. Respect its security, its history, and its community, and leverage these strengths in your innovations.

When it comes to Stacks, understand that it’s more than just a blockchain; it’s a bridge between Bitcoin’s immutability and the dynamic possibilities of smart contracts and decentralised applications. This unique synergy opens up a world of opportunities. Think beyond conventional use cases. Explore how you can contribute to expanding the functionality and reach of Bitcoin through Stacks, whether it’s in art, finance, data management, or any other field ripe for transformation.

Never underestimate the importance of community in this space. The Bitcoin and Stacks communities are vibrant, knowledgeable, and incredibly supportive. Engage with them, learn from their experiences, and contribute your own insights. Collaboration and open exchange of ideas are the lifeblood of innovation in this ecosystem.

Most importantly, hold onto your vision but be prepared to adapt. The landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency is ever-evolving. Stay informed about the latest developments, be flexible in your approach, and always be ready to pivot or refine your ideas based on new information and technologies
that emerge.

And lastly, infuse your work with a sense of purpose and passion. Innovations that have a profound impact are those that are driven by a desire to make a real difference, solve genuine problems, and enrich lives. Whether you’re an artist, developer, entrepreneur, or just a curious explorer in this space, let your passion for change and improvement be the guiding light in your journey of innovation with Bitcoin and Stacks.

In summary, be bold, be curious, be adaptable, and above all, be passionate. The world of Bitcoin and Stacks is vast and largely uncharted. Your contributions can help shape its future and, potentially, the future of how we interact with technology, finance, and art. Dive in, make your mark, and be part of this exciting revolution.

2140Art: Thank you for sharing your visionary insights on Bitcoin NFT innovation today. The future looks very exciting for This Is Number One!

It was fascinating to get an inside look at the visionary work This Is Number One is undertaking to drive mainstream adoption for Bitcoin and Stacks. As true innovators in the space, they’ve shared insightful perspectives on the key opportunities and challenges ahead. Their passion for exploring new use cases
and attracting high-profile partners is undeniable. With pioneers like This Is Number One leading the way, the future is bright for continued Bitcoin innovation.

Picture of Not Satoshi

Not Satoshi

Sitemaster. Staying humble and stacking sats.

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