2140Art is an online magazine covering global events across a number of 2140 related categories, primarily Art, Music, Money & Culture.

The magazine also functions as an educational community focused on empowering individuals through 2140 principles.

The articles featured on the site are submitted mostly by independent writers and creators who are a part of the 2140 movement.

  • Both the 2140Art and 2140 Collective communities are hosted on Console.  You can find out more about Console here, or join straight away via this link.
  • Alternatively, you can follow and support us on Twitter, NOSTR or YouTube!

Thanks for the interest in contributing artefacts to the site!  You can send your bio and writer query to us via email using this link.

You can send us your Bio, Project summary or proposal here for consideration.

No, you do not have to own Bitcoin to become a part of the community!  However, an open interest or knowledge in Bitcoin aligns best with community principles and ethos.  

Being anti-Bitcoin or voicing a bias against Bitcoin in the community will likely hinder yours and others experience of the community, so we ask that you stay respectful at all times and not perpetuate anti-Bitcoin views or anti-Bitcoin ethos within the community.  

Whilst you are entitled to your views and to discuss why anyone would or could be anti-Bitcoin, ‘Bitcoin hate’ or hateful views of any kind will not be tolerated in community spaces.  We are here to educate and bring people of common views together, so everyone is welcome to network and explore!

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